Servicing All Mamiya Photographic Products

Mamiya 7 Body and Lenses

Most service that I do on the Mamiya 7/7II involve rangefinder adjustments. When a Mamiya 7 comes into the shop for rangefinder adjustment, first step is to check the lens flange flatness and flange to film distance. These are corrected before any adjustments are made using Mamiya factory test equipment. The rangefinder is carefully adjusted […]

Mamiya RB67

Mamiya RB67 bodies coming into the repair shop go through several testing phases to determine working condition. After a visual inspection where I am looking for signs of impact, water or sand damage, Mamiya factory test fixtures are attached to the body to determine if the camera is working to specifications. The lens/shutter is also […]

Mamiya Super 23/Universal

Mamiya Super 23/Universal cameras coming into the repair shop go through several testing phases to determine working condition. After a visual inspection where I am looking for signs of impact, water or sand damage, the rangefinder will be checked for vertical and horizontal image alignment. These cameras are quite robust and typically the issue I […]

Mamiya RZ67

The Mamiya RZ67 is a fairly complex camera as it uses the mechanics of the RB67 body and adds electronic control circuitry. All RZ bodies coming into the repair shop go through several testing phases to determine working condition. After a visual inspection where I am looking for signs of impact, water or sand damage, […]

Mamiya C Series TLR

Mamiya C series TLR cameras coming into the repair shop go through several testing phases to determine working condition. After a visual inspection where I am looking for signs of impact, water or sand damage, a test roll is run through the camera to determine if the camera is working to specifications. Since the C […]